Make up · Urban Decay

Merry Christmas to me!

Hi there! So, what do you do with a random gift card? You go to Ulta and purchase Urban Decay’s new empty palette and your favorite shades from Naked and Naked 2 to fill it with! Ok, so you already know my take on the Nakeds… Lots of similar colors, and quite frankly there are only 4-5 that I’m gaga over. Why waste $100 on two similar palettes when I can customize one on my own? 😉

This new palette case is GORGEOUS! It’s a tin case with molten roses in luscious purple shades. Ultra cute and ultra durable always works for me. It costs $18, but it comes with a pretty golden peach shade! I just picked up 3 other shades that I had been drooling over and voila! Instant “Naked” palette at $57 total without having shades I will never use. Check out the case:


Perrrttty isn’t she?! 😉 Here are the shades I chose. The upper left is the shade included in the package. The other three, clockwise, are Virgin, Suspect, and Verve:


So, do you love it or do you love it? 😉

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